Saturday, February 23, 2008

Obama May face grilling

No Really? Read this lackluster AP Article

Then ask yourself some questions:

Why doesn't he wear an American Flag lapel pin - yet has a flag of Che in his Houston HQ?

Why doesn't he know how to properly salute the Flag during the National Anthem?

I guess this must be more of that "True Patriotism" - you know the patriotism that blames America First, and allows one to be 44 years old and "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country"

Loss of a B-2

The US just lost nearly 5% of the B-2 fleet. CNN has a story here.

The story has a serious error of tense, however. The line, "Each B-2 bomber costs about $1.2 billion to build" is a grave error. It implies that we could just pony up another $1.2 Billion and acquire another.

Not so, the production line is shut down and each B-2 is now irreplaceable.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Small comfort

The NYT hasn't violated McCain-Feingold

So, allow him to retort

At least he doesn't wait before engaging

Thank you NYT

Yes, we knew is was about to happen. Now that the MSM (not restricted by McCain-Feingold) has chosen our candidates for us, they have leveled their sights on, well, you know who.

Sharper Image Bankruptcy

According to the WSJ, Sharper Image has filed for bankruptcy protection. I have long thought that Sharper image had tarnished the brand by hawking air purifiers, almost to the exclusion of everything else

Go Dan

Dan Riehl has a good thought on the issue of Party v. Principles here.

I cannot, in good conscience, vote for Mike Huckabee as a member of any ticket. I don't vote for bigots and his bigotry was on public display here. This attitude alone is enough to decide for me.

Monday, February 04, 2008


Read this. America is larger than the current war. Realistically, the Islamo-Fascists cannot destroy the US. They can cause terror and angst. The real issue is which candidate will, in the long term, uphold the values that I the lonely voter, hold dear. It is more than the war. Mitt Romney is that candidate.

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Found on Drudge

Found on Drudge: Hillary will garnish your wages (isn't that called taxation?)

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

A Viable Conservative Strategy

So, I was having a small political discussion with my co-workers the other day and they were stunned when I announced I would not be voting for McCain under any circumstances (nor would I vote for Huckabee, but that case is very unlikely).


Simple, really. This election to me is about conservative principles first; everything else a distant second. Winning the War on Terror will not occur in the next presidency (probably not for 3 presidencies) and we can take a reversal at this time if need be (Hillary and Barack both say they will abandon Iraq as soon as possible - tarnishing the reputation of the US for decades - but a setback, not defeat, nonetheless). The current race is not even about the Supreme Court, only 1 nominee could help there, but if McCain, Clinton, or Obama are elected all that will happen is that the elderly liberal members of the court will retire and these three will replace them with new liberal members. No, the way to look at this problem is to look at long term adherence to conservative values. Strategically speaking, which of the 4 candidates will benefit the conservative movement in the long term? Ann Coulter mentions it here. Let me amplify.

Barack Obama - Barack will 'end' the war in Iraq. (Not!) Returning US troops to their home stations. (Some in Germany - you know that place we once 'occupied' and were offered basing rights to help Europe face off against the totalitarian threat - Sort of like Iraq is asking us to do now - in face of Islamist Fascism and emerging threats from Iran). Other than Iraq, Senator Obama hasn't let me know what he thinks. He just has the highest liberal voting record among those with a chance of winning the presidency. The short-term implications are bad, yes, withdrawing from Iraq will send the absolute wrong message to every part of the planet, emboldening terrorists everywhere, and convincing Allies that the US doesn't stand by them. In the long term, however, the imposition of the Liberal values upon America will cause everyone to question their own belief structure and I think that conservative values will win - maybe even by the mid-term election. Summary: Barack signals a bad short term for conservative principles, but long term strengthening of them. Grade him - / +

Hillary Clinton - She also will 'end' the war in Iraq, but she is realistic enough to know that it doesn't end US involvement there. However, just like the Rules of Engagement imposed on the US in Somalia, her policies will cause an increase in the rate of US casualities. This, coupled with Hillary-care, confiscation of profits ("I want to take those profits..." - by the way, impacting every 401K in the country), and amnesty ought to lead to the same conservative backlash mentioned above.
Summary: Hillary is way, way, bad in the short term for conservative principles; but, in the long term the backlash will be the same. Grade Hillary - / + as well.

Senator McCain - John McCain is a war hero. He will happily tell you what he thinks. These are good things. The bad things, though, are something else. McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, the Gang of 14, Voting against the Bush tax cuts, etc. He is even against water-boarding - (the 'torture' safe enough for untrained coke pink demonstrators to do to each other - and not get hurt) He does things for "Patriotism, not for profit". All this tells me is that he lacks a fundamental understanding that profits are the engine that enables us to enjoy our standard of living. Profits and property rights are the inherent quality of our republic that permit us to engage on the world stage.
Summary: In the short term, he will 'reach across the aisle' and make deals that sacrifice clear conservative principles; any subsequent failures will be blamed on Republicans. Thus long term, conservative principles will not re-emerge. Grade McCain as - / -.

The only candidate that will help in both the short term (Supreme Court, Economy, Iraq, etc) and long term (strengthening conservative values) is Mitt Romney. Grade him + / +.

Look at the scores, of the 4 viable candidates I will support Romney first, any Democrat second, and McCain a dead last. I am committed to conservative values first, and that order of candidates give me the best opportunity to enjoy a society that is based on those principles (at the worst in the long run).

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