Sunday, March 30, 2008

Evidence of Bias at Time Magazine

Article Here

The phrase I am referring to is this;

"Which is not to say that Clinton's candidacy is entirely without
purpose now that she is pursuing a Republican-style race gambit,
questioning Obama's 20-year relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah "God
damn America" Wright."
Which leads me to the question, if a Democrat is pursuing a "race gambit" doesn't that make it Democrat-style. At what point does the Democrat use of race become a 'style'?

Additionally, consider this.

1. The Democratic Party has disenfranchised the voters of Florida and Michigan wholesale -- "No Delegates FOR YOU!"

2. The media has helped encourage the current stalemate between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton because they failed in their primary job of vetting candidates. (Question; Who would have won in all the states that have already voted if the Wright chickens had come home sooner - as they would have if media had done their job.)

3. Now the media (in this case Joe Klein and Time) are encouraging the Democratic Party to reverse the decisions of the entire Democratic electorate so far - by putting forth someone who hasn't appeared on a ballot yet this season.

It just seems to me that the rule-set that permits this type of back room deal is from an age long gone - yet the Democratic Party leadership are consciously floating this trial balloon to see if it attracts criticism. Unfortunately, their enablers in the media are not going to vet the idea properly, just like they didn't vet the candidates properly until this point.

My belief: Putting Al Gore on the top of the Democratic ticket would be the ultimate voter disenfranchisement. So, how many votes in the general election will the Democrats give to the Republican nominee if they disenfranchise those who have voted in primaries so far?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Of Grandmas and Buses

OK, Instugator is not just about incendiary remarks, every once in a while we raise a serious question.

How can Senator Obama provide the leadership to bridge the racial divide in our country when he has been unable to do so within his own church - despite having 20 years to do it?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama is Wright On!

So, Barack Hussein Obama has been attending peep shows for 20 years and this is all he has to show for it?
PLEASE, don't elect this man on fiscal discipline issues alone. I have never known a preacher to go 20 years without asking for SOME KIND of FISCAL support - and if there is MONEY there is INFLUENCE.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Hillary's Math

Well, Jonathan Alter thinks that the numbers are bad for Hillary. They are, but given the Demoncratic party's perchant for for disenfranchising voters, I am incapable of understanding why the 'Party of the Peepul' cares that if Super Delegates reverse the will of Democratic Voters, "it would shatter young people and destroy the party". After all, the Demoncratic party has already disenfranchised the voters of Florida and Michigan; why should young people matter?

It seems as though the Demoncratic party has jettisoned the elderly voters of Florida and the Union voters of Michigan in order to woo the 'young peepul'.

Form over substance, the real motto of the Demoncratic Party.

Ah Schadenfreude!

I love how the 'Party of the PEEPUL' is so insistent that 'every vote must be counted' except of course when the national party says they are not to be. Read this, then ask yourself a few questions.

Why does the Demoncratic party not accept the 'will of the peepul' when the peepul decide when to hold their elections?

Why does the Demoncratic party insist on disenfranchising the voters of Florida and Michigan, after those voters legally changed state laws.

Why does the Demoncratic party insist on a Do-Over, thereby disenfranchising those voters who voted in the first primary and are unable to vote in the second?

When are Do-Overs illegal?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Hillary, Are you Sure?

Hillary comes up with another southern saying:

“(Obama’s) entire campaign is based on one speech he gave at an
anti-war rally in 2002,” Clinton told reporters on the plane to Fort
Worth, Texas, Saturday, claiming her rival never followed up that
speech with action in the U.S. Senate. “As they say in Texas, a lot of
cattle, no hat.”

Forgive me Hillary, but the saying ought to be, "a lot of hat, no cattle".

You see, having cattle is a good thing, being a person who acts like they have a lot of cattle is the bad thing.

Please, carry on - I am enjoying the schadenfreude.