Friday, May 30, 2008

What does a Drawdown from Iraq look like?

I once worked with 'Q' and I have participated in this very discussion. If you would like to know about the mechanics of a drawdown and the implications, read his article in Strategic Studies Quarterly. He points out what the drawdown will look like from the Army perspective, then shows the implications for the USAF.

Personally, I think that the US needs to re-think all of our basing assumptions. The bases that support Pacific Command are intensely important given the tensions in that region. The bases in Western Europe - not so much. The ascension of the Green Party in Germany has led to a number of restrictions on military training to the extent that the German AF has to maintain two permanent training squadrons in New Mexico. Basing in Eastern Europe and western Asia is a must to meet future security needs.

Congratulations USAFA class of 2008 - well done!

President Bush delivered the Commencement address at the United States Air Force Academy on May 28, 2008. Take a look at the various photos. Thanks Boss!

Don't Go There

It would seem that Trinity United is still a drag on Senator Obama. My favorite line from the article is this one.

Obama has not attended the church since the controversy over Wright erupted in mid-March.

Wow. You mean that the only thing that kept the good Senator in the pews was an absence of controversy? I think the argument for those who ask, 'How could he not know?' has just gotten stronger.

Go to church Senator, it is not just for bitter, gun-clingy people, when you find a good church you will realize this.

Updated: According to Drudge, the good Senator has quit Trinity United Church of Christ. Does he really expect anyone to believe it was because the news media was 'calling up the sick and shut-in'?

Good luck Senator, I hope you find a nice church for you and your family.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Uncle in the Attic

Senator Obama had to correct his statement regarding the liberation of a Nazi death camp. Basically, he named the wrong camp while addressing a group of Jewish voters. The camp in question was Buchenwald, not Auschwitz; and the uncle was his Great Uncle. That is not my point.

This is my point.

In November of 2007, Senator Obama referred to Vice President Cheny as 'a crazy uncle in the attic'. If you saw the rest of the story referenced above, you also saw that Senator Obama's great-uncle had difficulty when he returned from the war.

"I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps. The story in our family was that when he came home, he just went up into the attic and he didn't leave the house for six months," Obama said.

actually Buchenwald, not Auschwitz as corrected by the Senator's campaign.

If the good senator is serious about changing dialog and exposing us to beneficent hand of liberalism, why does he make offhand remarks about serious medical conditions - is this how 'white folks' can expect to be treated if Senator O is elected? He will use his ill uncle as the punchline of a disparaging remark about a political opponent -- who happens to be his 8th cousin. We are not allowed to talk about Senator Obama's wife but I guess 8th cousins and 'white folks' are fair game.

Obama to Tennessee GOP: Lay Off My Wife

Ultimate Office

Rich Sloan has his, I have mine.

Toshiba Portege M400 w/ Docking Station
Widescreen Display - need another one!
1.5 TB direct attached storage
.5 TB Network Storage
Wireless Printserver with Duplex laser printer
USB Scanner
Grand Central for Business Phone
WiFi Hotspot
Google Apps in place of a true company intranet

Moonbat? Monbiot!

Another one bites the dust.

I may begin to refer to all moonbats as Monbiots.

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Ann is dead on!

Ann Coulter's latest column is exactly right. The synopsis is:

There are three times to engage a dictator:

  1. When you are looking for an ally against some other dictatorship (Nixon w/ China)
  2. When you have to - because they can hold you equally at risk (Engagement with the USSR)
  3. When you are accepting their surrender (MacArthur w/ Imperial Japanese Forces - September 2, 1945)

Senator Obama's desire to meet without precondition with America's state enemies conform to none of these, unless his 'preparations' mean something a whole lot different than what they seem to mean.

Marc Ambinder has more.

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Would you meet diplomatically with these countries' leaders?

Skydiving Record remains intact

Unfortunately Michel Fournier suffered a technical mishap and will not be able to make the attempt. This means that the record of 102,800 feet set August 16, 1960 currently held by Joseph Kittinger remains intact.

This reminds me of a movie I saw once as a kid. It was a story of designing ejection seats and culminated in a parachute jump from a balloon. I thought they might be related. Searching via Google using the terms "movie USAF Kittinger" did not find it but, "movie USAF rocket sled parachute jump" yielded the movie On The Threshold of Space (1956) from Turner Classic Movies. Here is the TCM page. Here it is on the IMDB. I knew I had seen this story before. I hope they play it again soon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Latest Listen

Blue Ocean Strategy via Audible. I like it so much I am going to buy the book and the PDF

Obama's Gaffes

Read this great article by Michelle Malkin. It just goes to illustrate why we need to adopt Obama's new theme song.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama's New Theme Song

Obama in Portland, OR 18 May 2008 regarding Iran.

"They don't pose a serious threat to us"

Senator O, Billings, MT 19 May 2008.

"I've made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave"

I now propose the following theme song for the Senator.

Sam Cooke, Wonderful World

Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took

But I do know that I love you
And I know that if you love me too
What a wonderful world this would be

Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for...

Thanks to Powerline and Hot Air and the source for Lyrics

Updated with Video

Sam Cooke - Wonderful World

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This was taken at the Louisiana State Debate Tournament. Pictured is Thomas, 10th grade. I was judging the tournament.
Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 05, 2008

Yo Mickey - Heads Up (or out)

If McCain didn't vote for Pres Bush in 2000 - he still wouldn't have voted for Kerry. I think that the 2000 election is referred to as Bush v Gore. You remember - I think that there was a recount and maybe a trip to the Supreme Court?

Updated: McCain refutes the story that he didn't vote for Pres Bush in this interview with Bill O'Reilly. This in no way abrogates my chastisement of Mickey above