Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SUSPICIONS OF FRAUD IN NEVADA: “Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to ...

Once is Happenstance
Twice is Coincidence
Three times is Enemy Action


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via Instapundit by Glenn Reynolds on 10/26/10

SUSPICIONS OF FRAUD IN NEVADA: "Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked. Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen."

North Carolina: "Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said."

Related: A pattern of fraud?

And more thoughts from Stephen Green: "It's going to be a long week when the first two stories you see reflect just how big the 'margin of cheating' is going to be this year."

People need to pay attention. Desperation is going to lead to a lot of corners being cut. Make an example of 'em so they won't do it again next time.

Also: New ACORN effort is mobilizing voters, run by woman indicted for violating election laws.

UPDATE: Dallas.

Hey, I've been pushing paper ballots since 2002 for a reason.


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Dem losing by 10 in California’s Central Valley

Giving Nancy (and Dems) credit for what they've accomplished.


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via Hot Air » Top Picks by Ed Morrissey on 10/26/10

The party that smelt it gets delta'd.

Jim Costa looks as though he's about to lose his previously-safe Democratic seat in the House because of the fish that devoured the Central Valley.  The feds turned off the irrigation spigot in one of the nation's most productive agricultural areas to protect the Delta smelt, creating a modern Dust Bowl and destroying the livelihood [...]

Read this post »


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Couric Insults: 'This great unwashed middle of the country'...

The money line:

"That's why Couric has spent recent weeks in Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and New Brunswick, New Jersey. She is touring what she calls 'this great unwashed middle of the country' in an effort to divine the mood of the midterms."

No divination necessary - the attitude says it all.


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via Drudge Report Feed on 10/26/10

Couric Insults: 'This great unwashed middle of the country'...

(Third column, 6th story, link)


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E-Commerce Spawns Networks of Frenemies

Some sort of model along these lines will be necessary for Brick and Mortar bookstores to retain marketshare in the age of digital books, although in reverse. Traditional bookstores join an affiliate program through a publisher / online retailer to deliver customers, while delivering to customers a place to buy traditional books, or browse and buy ebooks. Think of the Barnes and Noble Nook process but extended to other platforms.

I note that while Kinde was the first device to the market, some of the innovations showcased by the Nook are driving market forces, e.g. Amazon is about to unveil a method to "loan" a book for up to 14 days.


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Why More Web Merchants Now Work Cautiously with Their Competitors.

As marketing chief for a small chain of Southern furniture stores, Robert Hodgson almost laughed when he first heard the pitch. A representative from Furniture.com, a longtime foe of all local furniture retailers, had called with a proposition. What if Hodgson's chain, Brashears, with its three brick-and-mortar showrooms in Missouri and Arkansas, began paying the national website to steer potential customers his way? The proposal struck him as almost comically naïve. "I definitely had to consider all sorts of questions," Hodgson recalls. Most obviously: if the customer leads were really so great, why would a competitor sell them to him?


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For Democrats, Math Is Hard. So Is The Truth.


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via Big Journalism by Lori Ziganto on 10/26/10


The two latest examples of Democrat ineptitude, incompetence and total math fail come to us from none other than Nancy Pelosi (the best speaker of the house EVAH)  and Joe "doll hair" Biden. First up is Nancy Pelosi with both bad math and shameless lies. As Ben Domenech points out at RedState, Pelosi claimed that Obamacare would create (or save!) 4 million jobs with 400,000 of them being created immediately. While no one else could know what was in the bill, before they passed the bill, she was somehow magically able to pull that figure out of her arse.  Why? Because it was a total lie.  In fact, the bill actually lost Americans nearly 800,000 jobs. (pdf)  Eh. Why let pesky old facts and figures get in the way of lies and damn lies?  Plus, math is hard anyway.

Telling the truth is difficult too, evidently. If you are a Democrat, at least. Remember, that whole "jobs bill" was also a total fabrication.

PROMISES, PROMISES: Jobs Bill Won't Add Many Jobs

WASHINGTON (AP) — It's a bipartisan jobs bill that would hand President Barack Obama a badly needed political victory and placate Republicans with tax cuts at the same time. But it has a problem: It won't create many jobs.


"We're skeptical that it's going to be a big job creator," said Bill Rys, tax counsel for the National Federation of Independent Business. "There's certainly nothing wrong with giving a tax break to a business that's hired a new worker, especially in these tough times. But in terms of being an incentive to hire a lot of workers, we're skeptical."

Whoops! Jobs Shmobs; it's all about the speeches, baby. If only they would spend more time explaining their outright fallacies to us rubes. That is the problem, you see. It couldn't possibly be that everything they touch turns into massive fail.  That's what happens when the people in charge have never actually ran a business or, you know, lived and worked in the real world. No wonder President Obama, and most of the Democrats on the campaign trail, are always talking about how they "hear stories".  It is because they have zero real world experience of their own. I wonder if they can see November from their Ivory Towers?

Or, they have delusional experiences. The latest is the paranoid belief in "shadowy groups" giving money to Conservative candidates narrative. You know, super scary nefarious organizations like the Chamber of Commerce.  To be fair, it makes sense that the current crop of Democrats would be frightened of a business organization, seeing as how they obviously believe capitalism and free markets are evil and all.

Which leads me to Joe Biden; the man one heart-beat away from the Presidency. I think he was trying to tie in those sneaky, shadowy Chamber people in here, but I'm not sure.  I've forgotten to update my Moron to English dictionary. In any event, here he is in full idiocy, with the press, as always, attempting to cover for him. Their attempt, however, is as patchy as Biden's hair plugs:

In an interview with Al Hunt of Bloomberg News scheduled to be shown Friday night, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. commented on the need for disclosure when corporate interests contribute to political groups.

"I was amazed at the amount of money, this $200 billion of money that is — where there's no accountability," he said. "When I say accountability, we don't know where it's coming from. There's no disclosure, so the folks watching the ad can't make a judgment based upon motive when you say it's paid for by so-and-so."

Mr. Biden clearly meant "million" with an "M," not "billion" with a "B."

But did he?

But his tongue slipped again a moment later. "So it really — I've never seen this before, so the only caveat I'd put in terms of the House is how much impact this $200 billion are going to mean."

Math. Is. Hard. What can we expect from a man who can't even count to four, claiming that J-O-B-S is a "3 letter word"?  It's so comforting that Joe Biden is the one that The Smartest Man Alive ™ chose to put in charge of overseeing the "Stimulus" money implementation, isn't it? A billion, a thousand gazillion, whatever!

Ed Morrissey goes on to put that foreign money lie to bed as well.  Like math, the truth is hard. And elections do have consequences, dire ones at time. So, I suggest it's about time we gave them all a teachable moment ™: Lying, corruption and abysmal incompetence also have consequences.

Let those consequences be next week's elections.


Cross-posted from NewsRealBlog


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