Glenn Reynolds thinks it is unfair to spin Cass' "presumed consent" as "mandatory organ donation." Ed Morrissey at Hotair seems to see things the way that Prof Reynolds does.
Presumed consent means that the government presumes that you have given your consent to be an organ donor unless you have specifically opted out of the program. The practical upshot is that if you die and your driver's license doesn't happen to be stuck to your forehead "non-organ donor" side out - then you will be harvested for everything they can take.
Stew's view:
I really don't care what Europeans do. Ed mentions that this system is the one they have in Spain. The United States isn't Spain. Presumed consent means that my government presumes a property claim on my body, before that of my heirs - how is this possible?
I am an organ donor now. This will change if my government adopts a presumed consent policy. My organs belong to me and my heirs; my government has no business in the transaction. If this policy passes, I will opt out immediately until such time as my heirs can be compensated for the donation. If we want to solve our organ shortage, permit people to sell them.
In any event - Devotees of Roe v. Wade better pay attention to this debate because it is another erosion of the right to privacy found in that Supreme Court decision. Just like the public option or any form of nationalized healthcare.

Presumed consent means that the government presumes that you have given your consent to be an organ donor unless you have specifically opted out of the program. The practical upshot is that if you die and your driver's license doesn't happen to be stuck to your forehead "non-organ donor" side out - then you will be harvested for everything they can take.
Stew's view:
I really don't care what Europeans do. Ed mentions that this system is the one they have in Spain. The United States isn't Spain. Presumed consent means that my government presumes a property claim on my body, before that of my heirs - how is this possible?
I am an organ donor now. This will change if my government adopts a presumed consent policy. My organs belong to me and my heirs; my government has no business in the transaction. If this policy passes, I will opt out immediately until such time as my heirs can be compensated for the donation. If we want to solve our organ shortage, permit people to sell them.
In any event - Devotees of Roe v. Wade better pay attention to this debate because it is another erosion of the right to privacy found in that Supreme Court decision. Just like the public option or any form of nationalized healthcare.