Title: F-22 Raptor Engineer Prevents Crash By Causing One
Link: http://jalopnik.com/5669922/f+22-raptor-engineer-prevents-crash-by-causing-one
Stew says: Awesome Job!
...any people you may actually meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
Title: F-22 Raptor Engineer Prevents Crash By Causing One
Link: http://jalopnik.com/5669922/f+22-raptor-engineer-prevents-crash-by-causing-one
Stew says: Awesome Job!
I've been sifting through hundreds of emails, stories, reactions to Juan Williams' sensational firing by NPR over his remarks on Bill O'Reilly's show, covered on Big Journalism for the past 24 hours. I've also read Slate's ridiculous comparison of Williams to Sherrod. Williams didn't call everyone a racist and help bilk taxpayers of billions for unfounded claims, but hey.
Those defending NPR's reactions say that Williams "smeared" Muslims and portrayed them in a bad light.
Does not a group of men hijacking planes and flying them into the World Trade Center killing over three thousand people in the name of Islam portray Islam in a bad light?
Does not men hijacking a plane to fly into the Pentagon in the name of Islam portray Islam in a bad light?
When individuals strap bombs onto their bodies and detonate in public thoroughfares, killing men, women, and precious innocent children, all in the name of Islam, does not that paint Islam in a bad light?
When men bomb the USS Cole in the name of Islam, does that not portray Islam in a bad light?
When a Chechen group terrorizes school childrenin Beslan in the name of Islam, does that not portray Islam in a bad light?
When men blow up discotheques in Malaysia in the name of Islam, does not that show Islam in a bad light?
When members of the CIA are murdered, in the greatest massacre in the organization's history, by individuals in the name of Islam, does that not show Islam in a bad light?
When a man shoots up Ft. Hood in the name of Islam, does that not paint Islam in a bad light?
When men hijack a plane, the control of which is barely wrested away from them by brave American passengers before the plane crashes into a Pennsylvania field, leaving behind a scorch mark upon the earth for families to mourn – all in the name of Islam – does not that paint Islam in a negative light?
When the United Arab Emirates passes a law stating that it's not domestic abuse to beat your wife just so long as she bears no bruises, that doesn't paint Islam in a bad light?
When men are allowed to kill and abuse their wives, sisters, and young daughters for refusing marriage to much-older men chosen for them, that doesn't paint Islam in a bad light?
And when televisions show people filling streets in cities across Pakistan, the Middle East, cheering the 9/11 attacks while people in our country mourned the smoking ashes of over 3,000 innocent victims, that doesn't paint Islam in a bad light?
When the developers of the proposed Ground Zero Mosque refuse to not accept funds from Iran, a country which, according to our government, sponsors terrorism, that doesn't shed a bad light on Islam?
But Juan Williams calling out the statistical occurrence of the above paints Islam in a bad light?
Those who suggest that the reactions of others to the events listed above somehow negatively impact the faith pass the buck on responsibility. Perhaps if we had more people who spoke out against these atrocities instead of defending by way of failing to criticize and attacking the people who call these acts out, this wouldn't be a problem. Juan Williams wouldn't have any remarks to make on the subject.
Political correctness, Frankenstein's monster.
In his piece today entitled "Sarah Palin is wreaking havoc on the campaign trail, GOP sources say," Politico's Jonathan Martin (who was tasked with the Republican Party beat for the website for the 2008 elections) falsely claims Sarah Palin backed out of a scheduled interview with talk-radio host Mark Levin:
According to a source familiar with the situation, she backed out of planned interviews with conservative talk-show hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin the morning she was scheduled to talk to them.
This is a flat out lie. Sarah Palin never backed out of any interview with me. Period. And John Martin, the reporter, never contacted me to ask me directly. I insist on a retraction.
Red State seconded the request. Allow us to be third.
Martin came under scrutiny in the blogosphere during the 2008 campaign for leading the investigation into the personal life of Joe the Plumber. From Newsbusters:
Jonathan Martin of The Politico was among the first out of the gate, with blog posts noting that Wurzelbacher, affectionately known by most of America as "Joe The Plumber," has a tax lien against him and doesn't have a plumber's license. Martin conveniently forgot to mention that the law doesn't require one.