I then chanced upon this article by Dan Riehl. (via the miracle of Google Reader - this link is the feed I call my Daily Briefing.
I have a number of problems with Dan's article, but I lack the knowledge of how things are done in New York; I will reference my own experiences in NW Louisiana as I respond to Dan.
Please read Dan's article, "Scozzafava Candidacy: Not the Fault of DC GOP" first.
My summary. DC is not to blame for the Scozzafava candidacy because the DC GOP doesn't or shouldn't pick candidates for them. According to Dan,
"It is not the D.C. GOP’s job to stab a state or local organization in the back, no matter what you may think."Additionally, he posits a couple of very good questions.
"Why is the state GOP chairman, at least potentially, an old Nader guy at heart? Why did the local county chairmen think that Scozzafava would be a better candidate than Doug Hoffman might be? "He then summarizes what he believes to be the core issue,
"Obviously, New York conservatives simply didn’t show up when it mattered most, and over a long period of time at that. If they had, the state chairman would be a rock-solid conservative. The same is true for the county chairmen."He ends with the injunction
"Show up and do the work if you really want to make a difference. Otherwise, you might just as well shut up for all the good effect you’ll have influencing the political future of this great land."Stew's View - from my own experiences in NW Louisiana:
I have no idea how my local Republican Party operates. I am registered as a Republican, but the local party makes no effort to contact me, either to solicit my help as a volunteer or to request financial support. Nor am I invited when they hold a forum or debate. Furthermore, they seem to engage in almost no activity whatsoever to recruit or promote the party's ideals.
I am most familiar with the group "Republican Women of Bossier" who do make an effort to promote the party, but the elected officials - not so much. I also have no clue how the state GOP officials are elected and it seems that the National GOP would love to keep it that way.
In the years that I have been a "member" of the Republican party, there has been no attempt to educate me on how I can help make the GOP better - just monthly solicitations and presenting me with plastic "platnium" cards as a way to help me ease my angst over the monthly request for donations. In short the GOP makes no effort to communicate the "value" of my membership, neither the value to them nor the value I derive. I am treated, by the Republican Party at the national level, as nothing more than a debit card. So, while I have sent money to the GOP in the past, I will no longer do so.
Now, Dan tells me that the money I sent to GOP has no strings attached when it is used on behalf of a person who was chosen to represent the GOP in the NY-23 race. In business, each franchisee derives value from the organization as a whole and the entirety suffers when a single franchisee doesn't conform to the values of the whole. Obviously, the GOP isn't a franchise - but doesn't it need to act like one?
Dan doesn't tell me how Scozzafava was chosen (was it a primary election or a choice by committee?) Nor does he tell me the process by which a local GOP organization gets ratified by the National GOP establishment (is it first come, first served or is there some vetting process that actually occurs?) How does the GOP know who represents them at the local level? In short, Dan exhorts us to "show up" but he gives no insight where / when this should occur.
Contrast this with my local Tea Party. http://www.redriverteaparty.com/
They hold a membership meeting every other Tuesday. Board meetings are twice monthly. They hold rallys, picnics, and sign-waving protests. They publish a weekly newsletter, maintain a twitter feed, and are active on Facebook. They endorse no candidate, just ideas and most importantly, they are accessible - something the GOP needs to fix if they want conservatives to, "Show up and do the work if you really want to make a difference." Something tells me, however, that the GOP wants no part of that.
Disclosure: I vote Republican, and I provide strategy and technical support to the Red River Tea Party.
<Update> I have change the name it is now Instugator's Rescue Plan
In light of the current 'Stimulus' plan and the protests against it, I have dusted off the plan I proposed on 27 August 2008. The reason I am re-posting this is because I do not understand how the new government spending proposal is supposed to directly stimulate the economy. I use the word, 'directly' for a reason.
Direct Stimulation
I can comprehend how a direct rebate to the American taxpayer stimulates the economy. The taxpayer takes the money and does 1 or 2 things with it that are easy to understand. He either (1) spends it, (2) he saves it or (3) does some combination of the two. The direct cost to the government is the price of the paper the check is written on, postage, and the costs associated with borrowing the money.
The consequences of the payment are profound - if the individual spends the money, he is spending it on goods and services that he personally enjoys - there is no bureaucrat in the middle making these decisions for him. The money thus spent goes to those firms who make the things the individual enjoys - the market then works as advertised.
If the individual chooses to save the money he is still benefiting the economy. The bank that he puts the money into now has assets that it may write loans against.
If the individual repays debts, that still stimulates because the bank has reacquired assets and the individual can use those dollars that were previously devoted to interest in the pursuit of more consumer goods. The benefit of this type of system is that it requires no bureaucrats in order to properly function. All the beneficiaries of this system have to do is make good decisions in the aggregate and everyone benefits.
Issues with the current plan
The current plan, however requires bureaucrats in order to function properly. Since so many dollars are filtering through the hands of so few bureaucrats, any mistake on the part of the administrators is magnified greatly.
The other issue I have with the current bailout plan is that it rewards bad behavior. That is not quite accurate - it provides incentives to people to engage in bad behavior. It doesn't just reward bad behavior, it encourages more bad behavior. The government paying the loans of people who made bad borrowing decisions rewards 2 groups of people - those that made the bad borrowing decision and thos lendors that made poor lending decisions. This is not the kind of twofer that we need. Additionally, all this type of plan can achieve, at the most, is a return to status quo ante. You cannot move forward, and you cannot improve the economy as a whole. This is because the plan is based on 2 groups of people who have made bad decisions in the past. Success of the Obama plan, therefore, relies on those who have been unreliable in the past.
By contrast, however, Instugator's plan relies only on those who have been reliable in the past. All that has to happen for my plan to succeed is that those people who have been reliable continue to be so.
Here is Instugator’s
bailoutRescue plan.Principles:
1. Reward those who practice good behavior
A. Paying your mortgage on time is good behavior
2. Do Not reward those who practice bad behavior
A. Borrowing what you cannot afford is bad behavior.
B. Having an interest-only mortgage is bad behavior.
C. Having an ARM is questionable.
D. Investment Bankers who purchase CDO’s without understanding the underlying value of them are engaging in bad behavior.
E. Those who sold CDO’s without including the data necessary to understand the underlying value are engaging in bad behavior.
3. Do not let those most directly responsible for the current mess come within 100 miles of the bailout money.
A. Those whose W-2 forms show that they work for congress, Freddie, Fannie, or any investment bank in need of a bailout need not apply.
The Plan:1. Take the $700B<or any figure currently in Vogue>
2. Find those people who-
A. Have a conventional mortgage.
B. Have always paid it on time.
C. Have never declared bankruptcy
3. Establish an agreement that the Gov’t will:
A. Pay off the mortgage of those who meet each condition in item 2.
(This allows banks to resume mortgage lending and permits those who engaged in good behavior to go bargain-hunting - thus rewarding good behavior)
B. Each person whose mortgage is paid off will agree to make monthly payments to a money-market account
(This increases short term liquidity - also allows those with good behavior to use their work ethic to the betterment of all)
C. Each person agrees to re-finance their house at the end of a 5-10 year period of time at market value to repay the Gov’t.
(This repays the bonds that the govt will have to put on the market to fund the plan)
4. The government will issue bonds to pay for this plan (up front).
5. Bonds are repaid prior to maturity by those bailed out.
(People with good behavior are people who are less risky - that is why they have good credit ratings)
6. In the event the number of bailoutees exceeds the dollars available, applicants from the acceptable pool will be chosen by lottery.
Instugator, as author of the plan, recuses himself from participating.