Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin for VP - response to Volokh

I think that Eugene misses the point entirely. On his fourth dimension of experience, Eugene has this to say,

Let me suggest a fourth dimension of “experience” that ought also be
weighed: sheer exposure and vetting at a national and international
level. By this I mean experience over time in answering hard questions
about a wide range of issues, meeting with other national and
international leaders, and responding on the record to crises and other
developments as they arise. This kind of experience gives the country a
chance to see how you think, to see how you handle high-octane pressure
on the relevant national and international stages, to observe how you
adapt when things don’t go as you thought they would, and so on. It
also forces you to learn about, and to develop views about, important
and complex national and international questions. Voters deserve to
know these things about you. On this fourth dimension of experience,
I’d rank McCain and Biden about even. I’d put Obama distinctly third.
Palin doesn’t even register.

Sen Obama is actually dead last. In this field, McCain and Palin are at the top, followed (distantly) by Biden. Allow me to Fisk this for you.

sheer exposure and vetting at a national and international
At the international level? - When do Germans get to pick the American President? What creedence ought anyone give to the Al Jezeera choice for President of the US?

By this I mean experience over time in answering hard questions about a
wide range of issues,

The last time Sen Obama was asked a hard question about a wide range of issues was at the Saddleback forum. That was also the first time.

meeting with other national and international
leaders, and responding on the record to crises and other developments
as they arise.
Gov Palin has reponded to crises - look at her leadership in the development of the Alaska pipeline - the Transcanada pipeline project. No, not a humanitarian crisis, but certainly a project put on the fast track because it needed to be ready in time. Sen Obama can't even demonstrate leadership in the Senate over a looming crises in for America - Social Security. Sen Obama recently even got the Georgia crises wrong - calling on 'both sides to show restraint.'

This kind of experience gives the country a
chance to see how you think, to see how you handle high-octane pressure
on the relevant national and international stages, to observe how you
adapt when things don’t go as you thought they would, and so on.
Gov Palin has 20 months as Govenor of the State of Alaska. Any google search will enumerate how she has responded to any of Alaska's challenges over the last 1.66 years. When has Sen Obama demonstrated exposure to high-octane pressure?

It also forces you to learn about, and to develop views about, important and complex national and international questions.

Like infanticide?
Sen Obama opposed a bill that would have required doctors to provide care for infants born as a result of an abortion attempt - his opposition is that this requirement would have the effect of placing an undo burden on abortion providers
Or invasion?
Are we to be happy that Sen Obama has developed the view that Russia's invasion of Georgia is the moral equilivent and has the same complexity as the US invasion of Iraq.

My rebuttal. We don't know anything about Sen. Obama. He has not been vetted by the 4th estate. In fact, had they properly performed their vetting process, Sen Clinton would be the nominee of the Democratic Party today.
  1. Had they looked into his 20 year relationship with Trinity united and their Black liberation Theology - Sen Clinton would be the nominee.
  2. Had they properly investigated Sen Obama's relationship with Mr. Ayers - Sen Clinton would be the nominee.
  3. Had the "MSM" fully investigated Sen Obama's relationship with Tony Rezko - Sen Clinton would be the nominee.
  4. Had they given us anything more than undying worship of Sen Obama - Sen Clinton would be the nominee.

Gov Palin is certainly qualified to be President. I am actually hopeful fo the first time in this campaign.

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