Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Post Racial Presidential Politics

It seems like Sen. Obama doesn't really want to embrace post-racial politics. Certainly, He is not above discriminating against Muslims. Wasn't there an event when His staff was decrying the need for "more white people" at the expense of other ethnicities?

However, I am thankful for one thing... The good Senator has told me that my country is no longer (or much less) racist because we nominated Him.
"I'm proud of America for giving me this opportunity because obviously
we all know it's a sign of enormous growth in this country."

Update: Unfortunately, His supporters are unable to take a joke.

Update: Senator Obama apologizes.

Instugator is still waiting for an explanation, something along the lines of, "These were not the staffers that I knew".

In another note, you can still get your copy of the Philadelphia speech here, ironically titled, "A More Perfect Union". Get 'em before many more imperfect things happen to make the speech more irrelevant than it already is.

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